TITLE: Matched
AUTHOR: Condie, Ally
GENRE: Fiction/Fantasy
DATE FINISHED: 11/28/2011
I've been wanting to pick up this story for the longest time (it has a great cover!), and I've also heard some wonderful things from my friends. And this year, for our anniversary, my boyfriend of 4 years took me to B&N and said I could pick any book I wanted!!! Talk about a keeper! Not to mention a splurge on my favorite coffee and the cutest coffee mug to keep it in... :-D
After plenty of hard work and turmoil, I have finally completed this book. It wasn't hard to get through or anything, I've just been crazy busy! If I really put my nose to the pages (as I should) I probably would have finished it within a day or two. However, I've been knitting like crazy so it's been hard to find the time.
Now, down to business. This book was extremely interesting. For those of you who've read The Giver by Lois Lowry, it's kind of similar (except with a love triangle thrown in). I must say, I agree with all of the reviews and give this book a solid 4/5. I may have dropped it down to a 3.5 for predictability, but the characters and the setting were fabulous. I've decided to pick up the recently released sequel, Crossed, as my next book of choice. Pick up the first one, and let others know what you think.
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