Thursday, December 29, 2011

Crossed by Ally Condie

TITLE:  Crossed
AUTHOR:  Condie, Ally
GENRE:  Fiction/Fantasy
MY RATING:  4.5/5
DATE FINISHED: 12/29/2011

To begin with, I would like to say how ashamed I am that it took me over a month to finish this book.  However, if you really added up only that days I actually read, I read it in under a week.  I suppose the knitting projects proved a little too much for me.  During the Christmas/birthday season I received a few excellent book choices so I figured I'd better get my tushy in gear.  Now, back to the review at hand.

I must say, I loved Crossed much more than Condie's first novel, Matched.  The characters became more developed.  It was nice to move further from the dystopian society, and more into places where the characters could make decisions for themselves.  I enjoyed Cassia's written company far more than in the first book.

The one gripe I had for this novel was the constant switching back and forth between the two character's points of view.  There were times where I would have to flip back to see who was dictating a chapter (because the character's voices were so similar).  Other than that, it was very fun to read.

On to a birthday present for my next book!

Book Source Cover

Thursday, December 8, 2011


I must admit, for about the next month or so, I may be AFK.  For those of you savvy with computers, you may think this means Away From Keyboard.  But seeing as it is the holiday season (and my family friends will be receiving all sorts of goodies from me) it stands for Away For Knitting.

I'll still be reading, but I may not be able to update on a regular basis.  I'll make sure to keep a record of all of my reading, and I'll update whenever I get a chance.  Until then, I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season (and that you all get at least one book under the tree!).

Happy Holidays!