Thursday, August 30, 2012

A Cat Abroad by Peter Gethers

TITLE:  A Cat Abroad
AUTHOR:  Gethers, Peters
GENRE:  Non-Fiction/Autobiography
DATES READ:  8/21/2012 - 8/30/2012

After reading The Cat Who Went to Paris I was thrilled to continue the "two volumes in one" book.

The plot for A Cat Abroad was not as organized in this book as the last one.  I found that it tended to jump around a little more.  Norton, however, was still as remarkable as ever.  He's truly the main character, and I always want to learn more about him and his hijinx.

At times this book can seem a little high-brow, and can almost make your own life feel a little small.  But back to basics, it's a wonderful book about a bond with a feline.  It just makes me love cats even more.  Worth it for the cat lover!  Dog lovers beware...

Will read and write soon!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The Cat Who Went to Paris by Peter Gethers

TITLE:  The Cat Who Went to Paris
AUTHOR:  Gethers, Peter
GENRE:  Non-Fiction/Autobiography
DATES READ:  8/19/2012 - 8/21/2012
MY RATING:  4.5/5

I love cats.  It is no secret.  My mom bought this for me as a Christmas/Birthday gift a few years ago, and I've been on a "read everything I have on my bookshelf" kick.  This book was next in line, and the cat called into question is a beautiful Scottish fold known as Norton.

As you can see on the cover of my book, this is a "two volumes in one" book, so my next review will be regarding A Cat Abroad.  But for now, on to The Cat Who Went to Paris.

This story is an absolutely must read for cat lovers!  But I should also states, it will only be understood by cat lovers.  Those of us who understand their feline quirks in idiosyncrasies.  Describing the settling of the book seems moot, as they are only unique when the beloved Norton is present.

Norton is altogether the glue that holds this story together, while Gethers takes an autobiography and makes it as delicious as fiction.  He perfectly expresses the unique and subtle (or not so subtle in Norton's case) relationship between man and feline.  This Scottish fold is absolutely unforgettable, just like his story.

Will read and write soon!

***Photo by B. Bumble***

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Eona by Alison Goodman

TITLE:  Eona
AUTHOR:  Goodmand, Alison
GENRE:  Fiction/Fantasy
DATES READ:  6/11/2012 - 8/19/2012
MY RATING:  3.5/5

I picked up this book ages ago when I was back in school.  I figured it was time to give it a try.  I finally finished it after two months!  I had to take a break from it because I went on vacation and it was far too big to fit in my carry-on (it's so thick it probably would have put me over the weight limit!).

The plot of this story was so good, just like the first book!  But the pace did drag on for a bit.  I guess that's what happens when the back story is so detailed and the author has so much to say (I know I'm guilty of this as well).

The main character, Eona, made some pretty poor choices and I found it hard to stay on her side sometimes.  But she had such strength and gumption.  It's nice to see that in a female book character.

The one crux for me, is that I feel there were some unrealistic expectations of love, with so many untruths being thrown around.  Altogether it was a great read!

Will read and write soon!

Book Cover Source

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

hush, hush by Becca Fitzpatrick

TITLE:  hush, hush
AUTHOR:  Fitzpatrick, Becca
GENRE:  Fiction/Fantasy
DATES READ:  8/14/2012 - 8/14/2012
MY RATING:  2.5/5

Someone hid this book behind a bunch of others at the bookstore.  I am overjoyed when something like this happens to me because I feel like I've discovered a treasure (or something someone never wants anyone to find... you be the judge).

So to begin with, the plot was slightly confusing, as most YA novels can be.  The main character, Nora, proved to be rather milktoast, and severely lacking in gumption (something I pride in female main character).  That was sorely disappointing, but I'm not expecting miracles.  I find myself searching for strong female characters whenever I read, and hush, hush certainly did not deliver.  It did exactly the opposite by making the character accepting, swooning, and understanding in a borderline abusive relationship.

Patch (the token YA swoony object of Nora's affections) was the typical bad boy harboring deep dark secrets, which for some reason makes him even more appealing.  But I digress...  There is something (and goodness knows what that something is) entertaining about their romance, as well as the plot, which definitely merits at least a 2.5/5 review.

However, I have to agree with the majority of reader's reviews.  Patch was a bit of a jerk, and Nora just blindly accepted his behavior.  I understand the whole bad boy appeal - really I do.  But let's be realistic ladies and gents... if a guy/girl talked to us like that upon first meeting (really?!) he or she would be out the door.

However, if you're interested in a swoon-filled, angsty YA book, this is choice.  Who am I kidding?  I obviously read it in less than a day.  There is a place for it in the world, and apparently it shall rest of my bookshelf as well.

Will read and write soon!

Book Cover Source

Shadow of Night by Deborah Harkness

TITLE:  Shadow of Night (All Souls #2)
AUTHOR:  Harkness, Deborah
GENRE:  Fiction/Fantasy
DATES READ:  7/15/2012 - 8/14/2012

So this is my first attempt at updating my blog entry format.  It needs to be more efficient (aka ONE entry per book), due to my schedule (bear with me through the transition).

My boyfriend bought me Shadow of Night right before I left for graduate school, and I considered it my last real pleasure-reading book for the next 2 years.  Obviously that has turned out NOT to be the case, but that's what I thought at the time.

In comparison to the first book in the series, A Discovery of Witches, the plot continued to be very lush and detailed.  Diana and Matthew's characters remain unspoiled as Harkness delves even deeper into their personae.  You will find yourself loving them even more.  Harkness manages to keep all of her facts straight despite the numerous Forrest Gump-esque weaving of historical fiction/fact.  It was quite lovely.

I always feel as though I've been swept away while reading her work.  It is a great joy and should be read by many.

***Photo by B. Bumble***