TITLE: The Jungle
AUTHOR: Sinclair, Upton
GENRE: Fiction/Classics
DATES READ: 10/11/2013 - 10/31/2013
I originally picked this book up because it was recommended reading for my coursework, and I have to say... I'm proud of myself for sticking to it. This book is a classic that almost everyone has heard of, but it's certainly not the most uplifting in the world. It depicts the struggle of immigrant workers coming to the United States when the Beef Trust was king. I think it's a must read for anyone looking into the past of our country, and the struggles it's people have gone through.
The food related issues caught my eye the most, and they were startling. The descriptions were extremely well detailed, and gruesome. Jurgis was quiet a stubborn character, and I have no doubt that everyone has an ancestor as such.
Overall, the classic had the somber notes of the time period, and I felt little resolution from the propaganda ridden ending. Definitely worth the read. You'll feel more intelligent for it.