Friday, April 8, 2016

The Magicians by Lev Grossman

TITLE:  The Magicians (The Magicians #1)
AUTHOR:  Grossman, Lev
GENRE:  Fiction/Fantasy
DATES READ:  3/19/2016 - 4/8/2016
MY RATING:  2.5/5

I heard that this book series is actually going to be a series on the SyFy channel, and I'm really excited to read it.  I wanted to make sure to read it before I watch it, so my boyfriend bought it for me.  :-)
Quentin Coldwater is the predictable over-achiever, who ends up in the most unpredictable situation.  While figuring out what he wants to do with the rest of his life after high school, he stumbles onto an adventure and an admittance to a secret magical college.  This is no Harry Potter story...

I have to admit, I loved absolutely everything about this book, except for the main character!  What a jerk!!!

He was just another grumpy whiner.  "Wah... I have to do magic... wah... I get to go to a magical land... WAH!!!"  I mean, I get that he's a teenager, but come on.  Do they have to hate everything?!  Even mythical lands, and magic, and adventures?  Such a burden...  What a turd.

Overall, the story and descriptions were very cool.  If it weren't for Quentin, I might actually enjoy this book.  The magic methods seemed more realistic and raw than in other stories I've read.  The magical college, Brakebills, was fascinating.  But overall, there were too many "what's the point" passages that left my eyes rolling...

Recommended for someone who wants to try to feel bad for a whiny part-sociopath brat.

Will read and write soon!

***Photo by B. Bumble***

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